The new Ofsted Framework for Primary Schools (Sept 2019) has set an exciting challenge for us; we have been able to design and shape the curriculum to meet the particular needs of the pupils in the Welbeck Federation of Schools in Meden Vale, Nottinghamshire.
At Netherfield Infant School and Eastlands Junior School we are very clear that our curriculum is underpinned by secure self-evaluation and inspires and motivates our children.
Our three key drivers are:
These three aspects are at the heart of our curriculum and as the long term plans show, they help us to focus on key skills in all subjects, as well as covering the full content as outlined in the National Curriculum.
In order to fulfil our intent we have designed a cohesive curriculum that builds on prior learning, deepens knowledge and results in the very best outcomes for all pupils. We believe our curriculum will generate an enquiring mind in our children alongside fostering a love of learning.
Here is the long term planning for Netherfield Infant & Nursery School for the academic year 2020/21. Please note that this is subject to review as we progress through the year.
We teach phonics based on the Letters and Sounds scheme, starting in the Nursery with Listening and Attention Groups and then working through each stage until the pupils are able to use phonics as a reading strategy and also as a basis for independent writing.This is supported by our partnership with The Flying High English Hub, which is a national initiative to continue to improve phonic knowledge and application.
The Phonics Screening Test is taken in Year One and, if necessary, is retaken in Year 2.
If you require additional information relating to our phonics scheme please contact the school.
Foundation Stage Curriculum
Planning In the Moment
At Netherfield Infant School and Nursery we deliver learning in The Foundation Stage through a method called Planning in the Moment.
The EYFS explicitly states, “Practitioners must consider the individual needs, interests, and stage of development of each child in their care.” Child-led learning is widely regarded as one of the most effective ways of doing that, whilst in the moment planning is one of the most effective ways to introduce child-led learning.
Child-led learning is particularly effective because it means children are engaged and involved. This is linked to better brain development in developing children.
Planning in the moment is nothing new. It is what a responsive parent or carer does on a day-to-day basis with their children. This is what skilful practitioners do in settings. When an adult looks at and listens to a child, they are making observations about what the child can do and what they need help with, based on prior knowledge of that child. The response will be precisely suited to that child and planned in the moment.
Initially parents and carers contribute to their child’s learning by informing practitioners of their child’s interests and any significant events that are happening in their lives. The practitioners then plan the environment around the child’s interests. The environment supports all children to be fully engaged in purposeful play of their own choice and interest. Three to five children are chosen to be the focus children each week. This means when the practitioner works with those children the observation, intervention and what the child was able to do due to the adult support is documented. This is shared with parents/carers and targets are set in collaboration with each other to move the child’s learning forward.