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Netherfield Infant School and Nursery

‘Working together to be the best that we can be’

Who's Who

Come and meet the staff at our school.

Executive Head Teachers (School Leadership)

Mrs J Rischer (3 days per week) and Mrs J Yardley (2 days per week)


Head of Schools (School Leadership)

Mrs S Graham


Assistant Head (School Leadership)

Miss R Butler -plus SENCO - contact main office on 01623 842683


Teaching Staff

Mrs C Goodall

Mrs P Moody

Mrs L Patrick

Mrs V Parkin

Mrs J Turner


Teaching Assistants

Mrs C Buck

Mrs S Burbidge

Mrs A Cave

Mrs J Croshaw

Mrs P Broughton

Miss C Hardwick


Business and Administrative Support

Mrs H Booth - School Business Manager

Mrs S Johnson - Office Administrator

Miss L Glover - Office Apprentice


Site Manager
Mr D Main


Cleaning Staff

Mrs S Nicholson

Mrs J Wright


Midday Supervisors

Mrs C Bowen

Mrs J Clark

Mrs J Davies

Mrs N Harley

Mrs R Land

Mrs J Powers

plus Supply MDSA


Kitchen Staff

Mrs L Westwood

Mrs D Portman

Mrs L Smith
