Executive Head Teachers (School Leadership)
Mrs J Rischer (3 days per week) and Mrs J Yardley (2 days per week)
Head of Schools (School Leadership)
Mrs S Graham
Assistant Head (School Leadership)
Miss R Butler -plus SENCO - contact main office on 01623 842683
Teaching Staff
Mrs C Goodall
Mrs P Moody
Mrs L Patrick
Mrs V Parkin
Mrs J Turner
Teaching Assistants
Mrs C Buck
Mrs S Burbidge
Mrs A Cave
Mrs J Croshaw
Mrs P Broughton
Miss C Hardwick
Business and Administrative Support
Mrs H Booth - School Business Manager
Mrs S Johnson - Office Administrator
Miss L Glover - Office Apprentice
Site Manager
Mr D Main
Cleaning Staff
Mrs S Nicholson
Mrs J Wright
Midday Supervisors
Mrs C Bowen
Mrs J Clark
Mrs J Davies
Mrs N Harley
Mrs R Land
Mrs J Powers
plus Supply MDSA
Kitchen Staff
Mrs L Westwood
Mrs D Portman
Mrs L Smith